Case Study

How OpenWeb Uses Oligo to Achieve Comprehensive Security Visibility

Case study - NASDAQ company uses Oligo to Implement a ‘maximum value minimum effort’ Security



Oligo's insights revealed that over 70% of OpenWeb's identified vulnerabilities were non-exploitable.

Efficient security workflow

The integration of Oligo with Seemplicity provided OpenWeb with a unified, efficient security workflow.

Optimized productivity

OpenWeb's developers shifted focus from patching to feature development, optimizing productivity with Oligo.

Fast deployment

The fast deployment of Oligo enabled OpenWeb to quickly enhance their security posture.

Case study - NASDAQ company uses Oligo to Implement a ‘maximum value minimum effort’ Security


OpenWeb's dedicated team, led by CTO & CISO Yaron Blachman and DevOps Team Lead Alex Plotnikov, found themselves confronted by an influx of alerts from various static tools. The constant noise of alerts, many of which were false positives, muddied the waters of their security landscape, leading to difficulties in vulnerability management.

Alex Plotnikov summarized their challenges succinctly: "We were besieged by a barrage of alerts, which often made it challenging to distinguish between significant vulnerabilities and noise. It became an everyday struggle that detracted from our efficiency."

Case study - NASDAQ company uses Oligo to Implement a ‘maximum value minimum effort’ Security


To combat their security challenges, OpenWeb turned to Oligo, a solution promising accurate runtime insights and a significant reduction in alert noise.

Yaron Blachman shared his views on the solution, saying, "Oligo's approach, focusing on runtime insights, struck a chord with our team. We felt it would offer a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of our security landscape, thereby facilitating more effective risk prioritization."Implementing Oligo was quick and effortless, requiring minimal time and effort.


Post-implementation, OpenWeb saw an immediate and marked improvement in their security landscape. They noticed a sharp drop in the overall noise, could effectively focus on real threats, and were able to handle and prioritize vulnerabilities efficiently.

United States




OpenWeb is on a mission to improve the quality of conversations online. The company is building an internet where content creators of every kind are empowered to truly own their audience relationships and thrive independently. They do this by building innovative technologies that turn content creators, publishers, brands—into the hosts of thriving, healthy communities.

Yaron Blachman

"The implementation process was incredibly fast and efficient. Within just a few minutes, we started to witness the value and benefits of Oligo", exclaimed Alex.

Alex Plotnikov
DevOps Team Lead

Runtime application security and observability - Oligo security - open source security- Quote

Yaron noted,

"Within the first three months of implementing Oligo, we saw a 70% decrease in total vulnerabilities, a testament to the efficacy of Oligo's unique approach."

Other improvements OpenWeb experienced include:

Reduced Exploitable Attack Surface

Yaron noted, "Our exploitable attack surface was significantly reduced. We were able to act on real threats promptly."

Efficient Patching Process

Alex was thrilled with the improvement, noting, “We managed to tackle our patching backlog swiftly, improving our security and efficiency."

True Risk Assessment

Oligo's insights revealed that over 70% of OpenWeb's identified vulnerabilities were non-exploitable. This allowed the team to better allocate their resources and focus on real threats.

Unified Security Workflow

The integration of Oligo with Seemplicity led to a streamlined security workflow, with findings centralized and remediation tasks efficiently dispatched. Yaron highlighted the transformation saying, “The combined strengths of Oligo and Seemplicity have dramatically improved our security workflow."

Focus on Development

With Oligo handling security, OpenWeb's developers could return their focus to feature development, optimizing productivity.

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Alex reflected on the integration:

"The integration of Oligo with Seemplicity has been instrumental in connecting Oligo's valuable runtime insights directly to our developers. This integration has allowed us to shift left effectively, providing actionable information without reintroducing the trust issues we experienced with static scans. The reduction in noise and the contextual insights provided by Oligo and Seemplicity have helped eliminate development bottlenecks and streamline our processes."

The DevOps Impact

In addition to the significant overall improvements, Oligo brought specific value to the DevOps team. As the DevOps Team Lead, Alex noticed a marked decrease in the vulnerabilities that his team had to manage for their projects.

Alex commented,
“Before Oligo, the noise from false positives and non-exploitable vulnerabilities was overwhelming. We were spending too much time sifting through these. With Oligo, we saw a significant reduction in the number of vulnerabilities. It meant we could focus more on our core development tasks while maintaining a strong security posture. As a DevOps team lead, this transition was invaluable in terms of the efficiency and morale of my team.”


Leveraging Oligo's precise security capabilities, OpenWeb effectively manages its digital threat landscape, OpenWeb is now better equipped to navigate the complex digital threat landscape.

The team can continue to focus on their core mission of building engaging online communities around digital content, assured that their security is in capable hands.

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Yaron concluded,
"Oligo’s approach aligns perfectly with our security needs, providing us with accurate, actionable insights that drive our security operations. We look forward to a continued partnership with them."

Zero in on what's exploitable

Oligo helps organizations focus on true exploitability, streamlining security processes without hindering developer productivity.